Saturday morning was spent watching C-SPAN as one House Republican after another prostrated themselves at the altar of the Forever War™️. Many went on long-winded sermons about needing to support Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan with a never-ending fountain of American tax dollars, weapons and equipment. Mentions of Neville Chamberlain and the possibility of a Russian flag planted in the heart of Europe were liberally thrown about.
I should've had a bowl of cereal during this political Kabuki theater.
While America’s borders remain undefended and a national debt approaching $35 trillion, these politicians have the time to vote and spend more money we do not have. The US debt interest alone is now $1 trillion. The proxy war between the US and Russia needs to be called out for what it is: A Grift. Such a grift on a scale that would make a banana republic tyrant blush. These “elected” representatives not only shamed themselves, they betrayed their constituents to the tune of $100s of billions we don’t have, while at home the country is allowed to stagnate and even rot.

The scene in the chamber after passing the bill was obscene. Waving a foreign nation's flag as if they had won a major victory or ended the war. Many of these politicians have access to more sensitive intelligence that the Ukraine-Russian conflict is unwinnable, at least from a military standpoint. They have no chance. This has even been acknowledged by NeoCons in The Washington Post with a pithy, "The answer is a solid maybe."
Ukraine will run out of the number of suitable bodies long before any of this bill’s gift to the American defense industry can make a sizable dent in the inevitable conclusion of the conflict. There is no reason to keep a foreign conflict going that will not have the soldiers to keep up the fight. Unless...
...Unless there is a more horrific rationale to keep this war simmering at a mid-boil and the GOP "Grifting Off Patriotism" schemes are part of some plan. What will it take for most to understand that these folks are not just RINOs or merely paid off by special interest? That instead they are card-carrying members of the Uniparty1-in lockstep with whatever designs they have planned for us?
Will it take the start of World War III before most recognize this?
Even with institutional media trying hard to convince most that the idea of a Uniparty is a “Far-Right” claim, looking at the voting trends tell a different story.
War Crimes trials should include the cheerleaders, quarterbacks and financiers on the sidelines too.
The depth of opposition to this is incomprehensible to most Acela nerds