In video games, a Non-Playable Character (NPC) is one that isn't an essential part of the storyline. While part of almost all games, this character is most associated with the genre of role-playing games. In The Witcher 3, one plays as the main character Geralt of Rivia, a monster slayer for hire that is on a quest to find his missing progeny and surrogate daughter, Ciri. He comes from a training school that creates Witchers who fight and defeat a colorful cast of monsters who have been set upon the human world. Based on a series of novels by Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski, the fantastical game takes the player across an immense open-world full of NPC characters who populate the background, whether milling about in major cities or small villages, they are just there.
Sure, some of the NPCs serve functional roles as merchants and craftsmen that the player can purchase items from, but they are not a crucial essence of the main quest. A running theme throughout the game in brief conversations even has the traveling NPC merchants acknowledging to Geralt how they move about frequently to maximize the economic profits of their trade. This is due to a devastating war that is ravaging the land, leading opportunistic vendors to peddle their wares during the invasion and aftermath of battles.
Many in the game work for opposing sides, especially blacksmiths and armorers simply for the coin. Loyalties to a kingdom or the people is outright scoffed at during certain points of the game, as NPCs note coinage and profit are the goal, not abstract allegiance to political systems or the land of their ancestors. They openly state that they are there to increase their financial position amongst the chaos and move on if and when conditions become unfavorable to business.
NPC Americans
A new form of this has appeared in the United States. Call them “No Present Connection/Commitment” Americans, or NPC Americans. These are the same types who look to the nation and see a giant economic extraction zone. In their minds American is an idea for sure, an idea of a business model on how to siphon and reap whatever economic benefit possible. Sending remittances to the homeland and living in a Western country are the main goal, as well as enjoying the coveted status of a minority as soon as they step onto the magic dirt of our shores.
The American Dream has been twisted to the point of being unrecognizable. It is no longer for Americans and their children but a false metaphor to disguise predatory capitalism and corporate profits. NPC Americans eagerly fulfill a role in this.
One must note that the veneration of the idea of the nation does not extend to much respect for Heritage America and her heroes. They aren’t regaled with stories of Daniel Boone, Kit Carson or Teddy Roosevelt. Audie Murphy and John Wayne are not figures of importance to them as the historical fabric of American folklore. And, to be blunt, why would NPC Americans think of them as such? With a slow but persistent effort, the grievance industry and victimology machine of academia, media and entertainment has churned for decades to reduce the significance and privilege of being an American. When the very mention of Anglo-Saxon Heritage is decried as beyond the pale offensive it is time to rethink the direction Western Civilization is headed. The belief that foreign cultures show almost a total refutation of traditional American ethics and values will suddenly assimilate without societal pressure is a fantasy.
“A strong national identity serves as a bulwark against division. When citizens feel connected to their nation’s history, culture, and values, they are less likely to fall prey to manipulative narratives.”
This perception of the nation existing as nothing more than a global jobs program has been challenged by the flurry of executive orders signed by the incoming Trump administration regarding immigration, particularly the “Protecting The Meaning And Value Of American Citizenship” that eliminates the abuse of birthright citizenship. To a reasonable person, the idea of the 14th Amendment was put in place to ensure the global population had a loophole to become a US citizen is deranged.
(As expected, this change has a long pathway to being solidified. Just today, a federal judge halted implementation of the EO ending birthright citizenship.)
The H1B mafia was particularly upset over this spoiling the ongoing racket in place for the last 30+ years. Many were quite upfront with their views of entitlement to a spot in America. A few examples:
As the recent H1B online debate revealed, this program has too many abuses and corruption baked in that big business has eagerly exploited for years. Far from being a specific limited visa system for highly skilled positions in fields such as medicine and technology, multiple screenshots from websites showing available H1B positions as farcical as 7/11 clerks and janitors. It can and should be abolished entirely. Heralded as a panacea when passed in 1990 as a type of comprehensive immigration reform (heard that before?), it instead continued the lowering of wages and career opportunities for native-born citizens. When even Harvard graduates are struggling to find work, it should be agreed that something is amiss.
This is Home
One thought experiment is if America goes through another Great Depression, what effects would that have on the current state of mass legal/illegal immigration? Picture the stark conditions and austerity that would occur and who would still be in the country 5-10 years later. Once the benefits and perks dried up, the NPC Americans would waste no time going back to their home countries. I truly believe this.
I still recall my great-grandfather tipping his hat when walking by the garden. He would talk about how those plants kept him and our family fed during the struggles. They were dirt poor yet proud people who went through incredibly hard times and came out the other side. I can’t imagine how hard that was and of course, pray that America doesn’t have to go through it again.
This nation is more than a global wealth extraction zone for the taking. It is a nation of a distinct people and history that should make every attempt to create successful conditions for its posterity and not some abstract GDP Excel spreadsheet God. Hopefully the promise of putting America First means putting Americans first. Taking protective measures such as eliminating birthright citizenship and the thoroughly corrupted visa programs are just the first steps of national restoration.
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The X discourse is a massive self report on behalf of the Elite Human Capital. You’re exactly right, it’s an endless parade of complaints about how they can’t loot the US for goodies anymore. My favorite argument was from one woman who suggested that colleges might lose income if they couldn’t apply.
Perhaps their spot can go to a more deserving US student with higher test scores, who was previously discriminated on by race-based admissions practices.
Great read
Stop wire transfers of cash to other countries or tax the hell out of it. We are being bled to death as country, BUT other country’s are become dependent on this cash flow so they are easy to control , we need to use this to our advantage, and I think Trump will.